How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts My Step by Step Process

Subheadings allow visitors to navigate your blog by explaining your post structure. Use keywords in a few of the paragraphs, but never force them into each because this will make for an unnatural text. Lists also do well because they almost always include the target keyword while also adjusting the reader's expectations for length.

If you use WordPress, you’ll likely have the Yoast SEO plugin installed. Yoast has a great feature where you can add text and an image to create an embedded link within Facebook and Twitter. Highlight the key content gaps that you cover in your post and where these could be added to the blog. This is a key place to gain a link back to your blog. Use Google to search for your keyword, generating a long list of potential bloggers.

Decide on the title of your blog post:

This can make your blog will be perceived as spam by the search engines and not focused on supporting the user. Using the tips for linking highlighted above, you should look at adding relevant links to relevant blogs within your own site. It’s worth noting each link shares the link equity value proportionally when you add links to your blog post. This offers search engines a more valuable source to solve user queries from – boosting your ranking over the longer term. Include semantically related keywords in your content when you can. This helps to answer wider questions your users have.

Our plugin checks your post to see whether you’ve used the keyphrase in the right places, like your copy, SEO title, meta description, alt text and URL. Yoast SEO Premium also recognizes different word forms of your keyphrase. In a few sentences, write down what you want to say in all three sections. This will help you create a structured and readable blog post. According to the SEO community, it’s a good idea to use your keywords in H1, H2, and H3 tags. At the time of creating your outline , you should decide what your heading tags should be.

Devise a structure for your post

The keywords should still be a part of your overall strategy, but topics are the umbrella under which your keywords strategy operates. There are some people who will decide whether to read an article by reading the conclusion first. You want to use the conclusion to summarize the key points of the post to encourage these readers to read your entire article. Similarly, Google rewards your page if you choose to link to other reputable resources throughout your post.

Conclusion on How to Write SEO-friendly Blog Post

Sure, we get a fair amount of traffic from Twitter, LinkedIn, email and direct traffic. And added together, these sources make up the majority of our monthly traffic. Search engines are a super important traffic source for blogs. Multiple content pages that are related to the same topic will link back to the pillar page and to each other.

It is interesting to make users click your entry when displayed in the search engine results pages. It’s the combination of good content and good SEO (including Off-Page SEO) that will push a blog post to the first pages of Google. It is a great way to give users an option to click a link and read more about a topic. It should be intriguing enough to make users click when being displayed in the search engine results pages. What we are trying to say is, if you want to improve your rankings, you need to improve your writing skills. With any image you add to your post – featured or body images – you'll want to add alt text.

I learn a lot of information from your article.Got very clear knowledge about blog post writing. Hopefully, you now have a solid idea on how to create blog posts that generates significant organic traffic. More internal links equals higher placement in SERP. Each blog post should include at least 2-3 links to other pages on the blog or the main site.